• 2024 Season

    The Clocktower, Halifax

    This was erected in 1803. Apart from this and St Paul's, the original centre of Halifax has been obliterated and is a graveyard of soulless concrete. On top of the hill is the Citadel - a massive ...

  • 2024 Season

    Rocky Shores

    The shoreline of mainland and islands is very steep to and doesn't lend itself to anchoring in many places. Good for coming close in though and getting a good look at things.

  • 2024 Season

    Sambro Harbour

    The harbour itself was quite expansive but there were several nooks and crannies to tuck into. You get a sneaky peak into other people's lives!

  • 2024 Season

    School with a Difference

    Andrez was very taken with the local school in Lunenburg. Closed down only in the last few years, it served the town for one hundred and fifty and catered for early years right through to seniors. ...

  • 2024 Season

    Lunenburg Colours

    Gaudy colours notwithstanding, the waterfront area was very attractive though not original. Note the orange flags on the pole in the foreground ... they were at each junction for people to take acr ...

  • 2024 Season

    Lunenburg Waterfront

    Quite something to think this view has altered little in hundreds of years. Only thing missing is all the schooners loaded with dorys (2 man rowing boats) ready for cod fishing on the Grand Banks. ...

  • 2024 Season

    It Was Fun While It Lasted ...

    Apologies for the quality of the photo,  but this was taken some way off by 'Zen Again' as she passed astern of us. The cruising chute blew out some time later. 

  • 2024 Season


    It lifted as we anchored! We 'motored' in company to Carter's Beach with Australians Mike and Nicky.