Time to Go
We have been lifted out at Peake's Yard and Kelper is all stripped, packed down and scrubbed out. This is where we will leave her until April 2023.

The Brewsters
This is Earl and Helena Brewster. Earl performed my emergency caesarean 23 years ago and delivered Tom. They have been fabulous hosts and it has been lovely to meet up again.
Dancing the beans
After harvesting the pods, the beans are laid out under moveable roofs. Backin the day, the workers walked through the beans turning them with their feet to help the drying process. This estate still ...
Chocolate overdose
As many fresh cocoa beans to eat as you wanted! Quite different to the processed brown stuff and involved sucking the white cocoa mass off the seeds.
And this is why!
Access to the tar lake is only possible with a licensed guide. Step in the wrong spot and it can get nasty; people have got into serious difficulty apparently. At the very least, we didn't want to get ...
Fancy a swim?
Rain falls on the surface and forms warm pools. The weight of the water pulls the surface of the tar downwards and many pools are deep enough to swim in - we didn't fancy it.
Brea Tar Lake
Just a small section of a vast lake of pitch that has been welling up for centuries.
Ready to receive Tom
This is the small dock at Peake's Yard. We have come in from anchoring in the bay ready for when Tom arrives.